I hope you enjoy my gallery, I’ve certainly loved making my mosaics. I discovered the joy of mosaics one summer while looking for an activity that the three generations of our family could do together; our ages ranged from 12 to 91. Our two-day workshop was a quietly sociable and creative time which I enjoyed immensely. It wasn’t for everyone though, my father bailed after the first day but, I was hooked.
Since then I have been improving my skills, trying out new materials and having fun. I think I learned most about mosaic-making when running workshops; these started as a few friends getting together every fortnight to becoming a regular weekly event at my home, where beginners worked alongside those returning to tackle bigger and more challenging projects as they too ‘got the bug’!
I had the opportunity to exhibit and sell my mosaics while living in Abu Dhabi as well as helping out at The British School to bring The Romans to life, and supporting a number of community projects with the school and Girl Guides.